“Homoeopathy is a system of treatment of the diseased by drugs usually prescribed in minute doses, that in a healthy person would produce symptoms like those of disease.”

The Homoeopathy way of healing was devised by the Great German physician Dr. Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th Century. He came across an old idea of the efficacy of ‘Cinchona bark’ in treating intermittent fever due to its toxic effect on the stomach and conducted experiments upon himself in order to get the truth. He deduced from the experiment that Cinchona was used as a remedy for intermittent fever and it could produce symptoms similar to those of intermittent fever in healthy people, if taken for a specific period of time. The law of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ or ‘let likes be treated by the likes’ thus forms the basis of treatment under the Homoeopathic method of drug therapy employed to cure the natural sufferings of person by the administration of drugs which have been experimentally proved to possess the power of producing similar artificial sufferings or symptoms of diseases in healthy human being.
Basic Concepts:
In Homeopathy the main emphasis is on the remedial agents in illness and in health. It is a low cost system using only the non-toxic drugs. It has established a reputation for successful treatment of acute and chronic illness and in certain disease for which there is no or less treatment in other systems. Dr. Samuel Hanemann, who was the founder of this system enunciated the basic concepts and its principles in “Organon the Art of Healing” in the year 1810.
Due to various reasons like cost-effectiveness and non-toxic nature of its drugs, no side effects of easy in take. Homoeopathy is getting a very high recognition and acceptance from the people. Having its origin in the modern scientific age, it has the benefit of basing its theory and concept on demonstrable scientific principles and procedures.
It is based on the following cardinal principles
- The law of Similars
- The law of Single Remedy
- The law of Minimum Dose
- Doctrine of Drug proving
- Doctrine of dynamisation
- Doctrine of vital force
- Doctrine of Chronic disease
Among this, the most fundamental is the ‘law of Similars’. This law states that the symptoms experienced by the sick person are reactions of the body which it mobilizes in order to counteract a morbid influence, be it a specific stress such as bacteria or viruses, or a non-specific stress such as climatic changes, environmental pollution, mental and emotional disturbances etc. Among the seven, first three are having more therapeutic importance and value.
Health and Disease in Homoeopathy:
This system assumes that any disease symptoms, syndrome is the reaction of the defence mechanism of human body against the disease-causing agent. The symptoms are the means through which the body tries to regain its lost balance. According to it, the symptoms syndrome in a disease is not the disease per se but the reaction of the defense mechanism mobilized by the body in order to counteract a morbific influence existing in the body and causing the loss of balance of the healthy body. Thus the disequilibrium in the normal functioning of the organs of body implies sickness.
Diagnosis and Treatment:
In Homoeopathy patients are diagnosed (their individual symptoms) but not their disease. As there is specific medicine for specific disease, unless the diseases are diagnosed, they cannot be treated, in other systems of medicine, where as in Homoeopathy, medicine are proved in healthy individuals are their symptoms are recorded. In order to treat the diseased individual their symptoms are to be matched with the patients’ symptoms. Therefore, importance is given to the symptomatology than the diagnosis. By treating in this way, the natural defence mechanism (Immunity) of the individual is strengthened and recurrence of the disease is curtailed.
In deciding the treatment, the Homoeopathic practitioner follows the well-known principles of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’. In simple terms it means let the similar substance which can produce specific symptoms in a healthy individual cure those similar symptoms in a sick individual, although the symptoms have arisen from another cause i.e. Bacteria, virus etc., The cure is based on the assumption that the patient is extremely sensitive to that particular remedy and only to that remedy which can produce his/her symptomatology. Homoeopathy has a definite and effective treatment for some disease such as Diabetes, Arthritis, Bronchial Asthma, Epilepsy, Skin Eruption, Allergic conditions and Mental or Emotional disorders. Even, some surgical disease gets cured in Homoeopathy with out undergoing surgery.
Thus the sick person after taking treatment not only gets cured of his disease, but simultaneously regains a perfect state of health.
Advent of Homoeopathy in India:
Homoeopathic system of treatment was first introduced in India in 1839 by Dr.J.M. Honigberger. During his visit to India, he cured Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab. The Homoeopathic system of treatment spread successfully among all sections of the people. This system of treatment is economical and the medicines have no side effects.