இந்திய மருத்துவம் மற்றும் ஓமியோபதி துறை
தமிழ்நாடு அரசு


Origin of the Corporation

The Government of Tamil Nadu with a view to undertaking cultivation of medicinal plants, collection and distribution of herbal raw drugs, manufacture of the various medicines.

Origin of the Corporation:

The Government of Tamil Nadu with a view to undertaking cultivation of medicinal plants, collection and distribution of herbal raw drugs, manufacture of the various medicines. From the medicinal plants and their pharmaceutical conversion into standard medicaments of proven quality by forming an autonomous Corporation of its own in the State, constituted an Expert Committee to prepare “Techno Economic Feasibility Report” in G.O. Ms. No.1940, Health Department, dated 15.11.1980. Based on the report and subsequent orders of the Government this Corporation was incorporated on 27th September 1983 in the name of “Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms & Herbal Medicine Corporation Limited (TAMPCOL)”. The Corporate Identification Number is U93090TN1983SGC010336. The Registered Office is located at Anna Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai-600 106 and the Factory is functioning at SIDCO Pharmaceutical Campus, Alathur near Thiruporur, Kancheepuram District.


The Corporation is governed by the Board of Directors headed by the Secretary to the Government, Health and Family Welfare Department as the Chairman of the Board and the Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy as the Managing Director of the Corporation. There are six official Directors including Chairman and Managing Director and three non-official Directors representing Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani.

The Main Objects of the Corporation:

  1. To grow, nurture and develop common and rare species of medicinal plants and drugs.
  2. To meet the requirements of medicines of herbal, mineral and animal resources for the Indian Medicine institutions, homoeopathic institutions, herbal pharmaceuticals, medicinal farms, allopathic dispensaries requiring herbal medicines and export agencies requiring medicinal products.
  3. To prepare and manufacture standardised Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, Allopathy, Homoeopathy and other traditional medicaments of pure quality.
  4. To undertake concentration, condensation, extraction of herbal, mineral, and animal products for therapeutic, dietetic and nutritive uses, and vehicles and adjuncts of sophisticated administration.
  5. To undertake such research on indigenous pharmaceutics as may be conducive to the laying of standards, development of indigenous pharmaceutics in general by taking over, receiving by way of gift, transfer, amalgamation or establishing research units, sections, manufacturing research sections and development wings.
  6. To carry on the business of imports and exports in raw drugs, herbal drugs, animal and marine products, manufactured medicines, pharmaceuticals and market and sell these products in India as well as in international markets, either directly or through newly appointed agent/agents and to work as agents in all firms and branches of commodities, articles, products and merchandise or any kind of nature whatsoever.
  7. To undertake consultancy services on herbal products and certification services for quality control.

Share Capital from Government of Tamil Nadu:

Initially the authorized share capital of the Corporation was Rs.50 Lakh and the paid up share capital of Rs.20.75 Lakh was invested by the Government of Tamil Nadu. During the year 2007-08, the Government enhanced the authorised share capital to Rs.125.00 lakh and the Corporation issued Bonus Shares of 79,250 shares of Rs.100/- each amounting to Rs.79,25,000/- and the paid up share capital of the Corporation is Rs.100.00 lakh.

Commercial Activities of the Corporation:

The Corporation commenced its commercial activities with its flagship product viz. Herbal Hair Tonic (A Siddha Medicine) by producing and marketing it in a small scale, and also supply of raw materials required, for manufacture of medicines to Government Pharmacy since 1985. Tampcol is the main supplier of ISM drugs to the institutions functioning under the control of Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy. There is a huge demand for Tampcol medicines and orders are being received under various schemes from Government Departments like CGHS, ESI, autonomous bodies like National Institute for Siddha and Local Bodies, etc.

GMP Certified Corporation:

As per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the company has been certified with Good Manufacturing Practices of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs (155-B, Schedule-T, in respect of factory location and surroundings, buildings, water supply, disposal of waste, etc.).

Status of Medicine Production:

Presently Tampcol is manufacturing 117 medicines i.e. Siddha 70 medicines [57 Shastric and 13 Proprietary], Ayurveda 39 medicines [35 Shastric and 4 Proprietary] and Unani 8 medicines [3 Shastric and 5 Proprietary] such as chooranam, thailam, vennai, kudineer, parparm, chenduram, lehiyam, tablets, Capsules, syrups, etc.

Appointment of Nodal Agency:

The Government in G.O.(Ms) No.299, Health and Family Welfare (IM1-1) Department, dt.13.12.2013has appointed the Corporation as an exclusive Nodal Agency for procurement of medicines, equipments, etc. for ISM institutions functioning in the State. This will enlarge the scope of the functions of the Corporation and can supply quality medicines and equipments uniformly to the institutions functioning under the control of Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy at competitive price by utilizing its existing infrastructure.

Expansion of Production activity:

By utilizing the financial assistance of the Government, the Corporation has appointed one consultant for preparation of detailed project report on “Develop, Vision, Strategy and Action plan and Re-engineer business processes to re-position Tampcol brand in the Indian market”. The Corporation has initiated various measures to upgrade the infrastructure of the factory by way of creating additional space to accommodate the new machineries, expanding manufacturing processes, re-engineering of production processes, installation of modern equipments to reduce the dependency on the manpower, etc.

As a standardization measure and improve the dispensing system of medicines to the common public, the Corporation has planned to introduce packaging of medicines in sachets, i.e., chooranams in 10 grams and thailams in 50 ml. and also to introduce Tablets and Capsules in 30 Nos. containers for directly dispensing them to the public. As a brand building measure, all the packaging methods, designs, labels, etc. have been re-examined and mostly revised to suit the current need and expectation of the common public.

In order to reduce the procurement of medicines from open market for the use in Government hospitals, the Corporation has proposed to increase 5 numbers of medicines in addition to 22 new licenses obtained during the current year. As on date, the Corporation possesses 217 licenses for manufacturing of medicines. As indented by the Government, the Corporation has proposed to supply Kariveppilai Podi and Ferrosid, being the Siddha Proprietary medicines for remedying Anemic deficiency in the form of Tablets, Capsules and Syrup under PIP scheme. In order to provide safe and hygiene working environment in the factory, various measures such as improvement of sewerage system, supply of clean and pure drinking water by installing 500 LPH Reverse Osmosis Plant, providing cotton apron, cotton chef hat and Slippers for all staff and workers have been initiated.

Corporate Social Responsibilities:

To provide better medical guidance, and health consulting, a free Medical Consultancy Clinic has been created at the Corporate Office Building of the Corporation. The Free Consultancy Clinic functions from Monday to Saturday between 9 a.m. and 12 noon in the morning session and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the evening session. The Free Medical Consultancy Clinic, have doctors from all streams namely Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, and Yoga and Naturopathy on rotation basis.

The Corporation running Sales show room at Chennai and Palayamkottai to make available the medicines at the cheaper rate to the General Public as the selling prices of the medicines are far lower than the private manufacturers. The Corporation is maintaining very nominal prices for its products despite steep increase of raw material cost, packing material costs and other overheads, etc. as the supplies are mainly indented to the Government institutions.

Further Model Herbal Farms containing samples of herbal species has been developed in the vacant land available adjacent to Sales counter at Corporate office and Palayamkottai. These model farms will create awareness about herbs among general public and will be useful for reference to the students of Indian System of Medicines.

Towards fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, the Corporation has donated Two Heavy Duty Washing Machine at a cost of Rs.5.40 lakh to Arignar Anna Government Hospital for Indian Medicine for the use of washing of bed sheets used for inpatients of the Hospital.

Financial Performance:

The net sales revenue for 2012-13 was Rs.1806.23 lakh, and it is expected to achieve around Rs.2200.00 lakh during 2013-14. The Net profit for 2012-13 was Rs.58.49 lakh and it is expected to earn around Rs.36.00 lakh during 2013-14 even after providing discount of Rs.52.00 lakh to the Government sales at the rate of 15% during last quarter. As regards dividend, the Corporation declared the maiden dividend of Rs.1,55,625/- at the rate of 7.5% for the financial year 1998-99. Year after year the corporation has also stepped up the rate of dividend and declared a high level of dividend of Rs.1,00,00,000/- at the rate of 100% for the year 2009-10. During the financial year 2010-11, dividend at the rate of 25% on the increased share capital of Rs.100.00 lakh was declared and paid. This Corporation is one of the Public Sector Undertakings continuously declaring dividends.

Origin of the Corporation:

The Government of Tamil Nadu with a view to undertaking cultivation of medicinal plants, collection and distribution of herbal raw drugs, manufacture of the various medicines from the medicinal plants and their pharmaceutical conversion into standard medicaments of proven quality by forming an autonomous Corporation of its own in the State, constituted an Expert Committee to prepare “Techno Economic Feasibility Report” in G.O. Ms. No.1940, Health Department, dated 15.11.1980. Based on the report and subsequent orders of the Government this Corporation was incorporated on 27th September 1983 in the name of “Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms & Herbal Medicine Corporation Limited (TAMPCOL)”. The Corporate Identification Number is U93090TN1983SGC010336. The Registered Office is located at Anna Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai-600 106 and the Factory is functioning at SIDCO Pharmaceutical Campus, Alathur near Thiruporur, Kancheepuram District.


The Corporation is governed by the Board of Directors headed by the Secretary to the Government, Health and Family Welfare Department as the Chairman of the Board and the Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy as the Managing Director of the Corporation. There are six official Directors including Chairman and Managing Director and three non-official Directors representing Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani.

The Main Objects of the Corporation:

  1. To grow, nurture and develop common and rare species of medicinal plants and drugs.
  2. To meet the requirements of medicines of herbal, mineral and animal resources for the Indian Medicine institutions, homoeopathic institutions, herbal pharmaceuticals, medicinal farms, allopathic dispensaries requiring herbal medicines and export agencies requiring medicinal products.
  3. To prepare and manufacture standardised Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, Allopathy, Homeopathy and other traditional medicaments of pure quality.
  4. To undertake concentration, condensation, extraction of herbal, mineral, and animal products for therapeutic, dietetic and nutritive uses, and vehicles and adjuncts of sophisticated administration.
  5. To undertake such research on indigenous pharmaceutics as may be conducive to the laying of standards, development of indigenous pharmaceutics in general by taking over, receiving by way of gift, transfer, amalgamation or establishing research units, sections, manufacturing research sections and development wings.
  6. To carry on the business of imports and exports in raw drugs, herbal drugs, animal and marine products, manufactured medicines, pharmaceuticals and market and sell these products in India as well as in international markets, either directly or through newly appointed agent/agents and to work as agents in all firms and branches of commodities, articles, products and merchandise or any kind of nature whatsoever.
  7. To undertake consultancy services on herbal products and certification services for quality control.

Share Capital from Government of Tamil Nadu:

Initially the authorized share capital of the Corporation was Rs.50 Lakh and the paid up share capital of Rs.20.75 Lakh was invested by the Government of Tamil Nadu. During the year 2007-08, the Government enhanced the authorised share capital to Rs.125.00 lakh and the Corporation issued Bonus Shares of 79,250 shares of Rs.100/- each amounting to Rs.79,25,000/- and the paid up share capital of the Corporation is Rs.100.00 lakh.

Commercial Activities of the Corporation:

The Corporation commenced its commercial activities with its flagship product viz. Herbal Hair Tonic (A Siddha Medicine) by producing and marketing it in a small scale, and also supply of raw materials required, for manufacture of medicines to Government Pharmacy since 1985. Tampcol is the main supplier of ISM drugs to the institutions functioning under the control of Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy. There is a huge demand for Tampcol medicines and orders are being received under various schemes from Government Departments like CGHS, ESI, autonomous bodies like National Institute for Siddha and Local Bodies, etc.

GMP Certified Corporation:

As per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the company has been certified with Good Manufacturing Practices of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs (155-B, Schedule-T, in respect of factory location and surroundings, buildings, water supply, disposal of waste, etc.).

Status of Medicine Production:

Presently Tampcol is manufacturing 117 medicines i.e. Siddha 70 medicines [57 Shastric and 13 Proprietary], Ayurveda 39 medicines [35 Shastric and 4 Proprietary] and Unani 8 medicines [3 Shastric and 5 Proprietary] such as chooranam, thailam, vennai, kudineer, parparm, chenduram, lehiyam, tablets, Capsules, syrups, etc.

Appointment of Nodal Agency:

The Government in G.O.(Ms) No.299, Health and Family Welfare (IM1-1) Department, dt.13.12.2013has appointed the Corporation as an exclusive Nodal Agency for procurement of medicines, equipments, etc. for ISM institutions functioning in the State. This will enlarge the scope of the functions of the Corporation and can supply quality medicines and equipments uniformly to the institutions functioning under the control of Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy at competitive price by utilizing its existing infrastructure.

Expansion of Production activity:

By utilizing the financial assistance of the Government, the Corporation has appointed one consultant for preparation of detailed project report on “Develop, Vision, Strategy and Action plan and Re-engineer business processes to re-position Tampcol brand in the Indian market”. The Corporation has initiated various measures to upgrade the infrastructure of the factory by way of creating additional space to accommodate the new machineries, expanding manufacturing processes, re-engineering of production processes, installation of modern equipments to reduce the dependency on the manpower, etc.

As a standardization measure and improve the dispensing system of medicines to the common public, the Corporation has planned to introduce packaging of medicines in sachets, i.e., chooranams in 10 grams and thailams in 50 ml. and also to introduce Tablets and Capsules in 30 Nos. containers for directly dispensing them to the public. As a brand building measure, all the packaging methods, designs, labels, etc. have been re-examined and mostly revised to suit the current need and expectation of the common public.

In order to reduce the procurement of medicines from open market for the use in Government hospitals, the Corporation has proposed to increase 5 numbers of medicines in addition to 22 new licenses obtained during the current year. As on date, the corporation possesses 217 licenses for manufacturing of medicines. As indented by the Government, the Corporation has proposed to supply Kariveppilai Podi and Ferrosid, being the Siddha Proprietary medicines for remedying Anemic deficiency in the form of Tablets, Capsules and Syrup under PIP scheme. In order to provide safe and hygiene working environment in the factory, various measures such as improvement of sewerage system, supply of clean and pure drinking water by installing 500 LPH Reverse Osmosis Plant, providing cotton apron, cotton chef hat and Slippers for all staff and workers have been initiated.

Corporate Social Responsibilities:

To provide better medical guidance, and health consulting, a free Medical Consultancy Clinic has been created at the Corporate Office Building of the Corporation. The Free Consultancy Clinic functions from Monday to Saturday between 9 a.m. and 12 noon in the morning session and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the evening session. The Free Medical Consultancy Clinic, have doctors from all streams namely Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani, and Yoga and Naturopathy on rotation basis.

The Corporation running Sales show room at Chennai and Palayamkottai to make available the medicines at the cheaper rate to the General Public as the selling prices of the medicines are far lower than the private manufacturers. The Corporation is maintaining very nominal prices for its products despite steep increase of raw material cost, packing material costs and other overheads, etc. as the supplies are mainly indented to the Government institutions.

Further Model Herbal Farms containing samples of herbal species has been developed in the vacant land available adjacent to Sales counter at Corporate office and Palayamkottai. These model farms will create awareness about herbs among general public and will be useful for reference to the students of Indian System of Medicines.

Towards fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, the Corporation has donated Two Heavy Duty Washing Machine at a cost of Rs.5.40 lakh to Arignar Anna Government Hospital for Indian Medicine for the use of washing of bed sheets used for inpatients of the Hospital.

Financial Performance:

The net sales revenue for 2012-13 was Rs.1806.23 lakh, and it is expected to achieve around Rs.2200.00 lakh during 2013-14. The Net profit for 2012-13 was Rs.58.49 lakh and it is expected to earn around Rs.36.00 lakh during 2013-14 even after providing discount of Rs.52.00 lakh to the Government sales at the rate of 15% during last quarter. As regards dividend, the Corporation declared the maiden dividend of Rs.1,55,625/- at the rate of 7.5% for the financial year 1998-99. Year after year the corporation has also stepped up the rate of dividend and declared a high level of dividend of Rs.1,00,00,000/- at the rate of 100% for the year 2009-10. During the financial year 2010-11, dividend at the rate of 25% on the increased share capital of Rs.100.00 lakh was declared and paid. This Corporation is one of the Public Sector Undertakings continuously declaring dividends.

Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicine Corporation Limited (TAMPCOL) was started on 27th September 1983 with the main objective of manufacturing and supplying Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani medicines.

The Registered office functions at Anna Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai and its factory, functioning at SIDCO Pharmaceutical Campus, Alathur near Thiruporur, Chengalpattu District.

The Corporation has been manufacturing 175 medicines under the following categories:

Tampcol is operating its Sales counter at Chennai, Palayamkottai and Nagercoil. A Free Medical Consultancy Clinic is being operated at the Corporate Office Building of the Corporation with doctors from all streams of Indian System of Medicines namely Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and Yoga and Naturopathy on rotation basis.

With the aim of reaching a global audience, the Corporation’s renowned commercial product viz. Herbal Hair Tonic and other fast-moving medicines has been made available in the e-commerce site viz. and in its own website

As per G.O.(Ms) No.83, Health and Family Welfare (IM1-1) Department, dated.18.02.2021 the 2nd production unit at Pudukottai was inaugurated on 25.02.2021 at Government Head Quarters hospital campus, Pudukkottai & the production of NilavembuKudineer and KabasuraKudineer to combat COVID-19 pandemic is undertaken in this unit and it caters to 19 southern districts of Tamil Nadu. In the Financial Year 2023-24, Tampcol II Unit manufactured additionally few medicines namely PanchaDeepakiniChooranam, PoonaikalivithaiChooranam and AthimathuraChooranam for a total value of Rs.91.89 lakh (up to December 2023).

The Authorized and Paid-up Share Capital of the Corporation is Rs.300.00 lakh. During the year 2023-24, the Corporation achieved sales to the tune of Rs.4424.18 lakh (unaudited – upto December 2023) to the clinics of hospitals of Commissionerate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy.

During the year 2023-24 the Corporation supplied medicines for the following special schemes of Health and Family Welfare Department:

Mother Baby Care Kit
Rs.309.34 lakh
Kalaignar Varummun Kaapom scheme
Rs.24.09 lakh
Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam
Rs.65.98 lakh

Tampcol also produced veterinary medicines for Tamil Nadu Livestock Development Agency for value of Rs.5.16 lakhs.

Tampcol’s fast moving medicines like AadathodaiManappagu, NilavembuKudineer, Pain Balm, ChyvanprashLehiyam, AswagandhaLehiyam, KabasuraKudineer etc receive good response from public and its increasing sales shows the awareness and efficacy of Indian System of Medicines among public.


The following new activities have been undertaken by Tampcol for the year 2023-24:

  • Tampcol has introduced new & seasonal in its list of preparations duly obtaining new licenses. For the winter festival season 2023, Sashtric Siddha preparation called DIWALI Lehyam was introduced and another Sashtric Ayurveda preparation called DraksavaLehyam was also added to its list of preparations.
  • Similarly summer season products such as Nannarai Sherbet, has been introduced to boost market sales as well as to benefit people.
  • Neutraceutical products based on Siddha texts were also introduced during the year.

A) Karisalai Malt has been used in Paediatric section of AAGHIM and based on its acceptance, production has been taken up.

B) Panchamutti Kanji was administered to cancer patients. Based on clinical evidences of its benefits and acceptability among patients, its production has been taken up as per demand from Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy Clinics & Hospitals.

  • Packaging the medicines is also given due importance both for online and OTC sales in addition to hospital supplies. https://tampcol.comR/